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Occupation translation from Catasto Onciaro
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goganga Dev

Joined: Jul 11, 2007 Posts: 226 Location: North Italy
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Luca Translator

Joined: Jan 22, 2008 Posts: 695 Location: Terni - Italy
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 4:40 am Post subject: Re: Occupation translation from Catasto Onciaro |
Ho provato persino a disinstallare il firewall, ma niente. Sicuramente si tratta di un "settaggio", ma non riesco a capire quale
Nel pomeriggio posto anche il tipo di messaggio che compare
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Luca Translator

Joined: Jan 22, 2008 Posts: 695 Location: Terni - Italy
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 6:36 am Post subject: Re: Occupation translation from Catasto Onciaro |
Questo è il messaggio:
Internet Explorer: impossibile visualizzare la pagina Web
Cause più probabili:
Nessuna connessione a Internet.
Si sono verificati problemi relativi al sito Web.
È possibile che nell'indirizzo sia presente un errore di digitazione.
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Cathy V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 2681
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 7:45 am Post subject: Re: Occupation translation from Catasto Onciaro |
Sometimes the server goes down and none of us can get on. It usually comes back within 10 minutes. Try again, if that does not work send Nuccia your IP address. It could be the server blocked it. If you don't know your IP address, go here: whatismyipaddress.com/
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nuccia Admin

Joined: Jul 09, 2007 Posts: 4375 Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:03 am Post subject: Re: Occupation translation from Catasto Onciaro |
Sounds like the problem is on your PC with one of your settings or due to an upgrade you may have done recently.
Maybe this site will help?
I am going to split this thread to the PC board on Monday so it doesn't interrupt the original post. I'll wait until then so that you can see it from work, ok?
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goganga Dev

Joined: Jul 11, 2007 Posts: 226 Location: North Italy
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:06 am Post subject: Re: Occupation translation from Catasto Onciaro |
Luca wrote: |
Questo è il messaggio:
Internet Explorer: impossibile visualizzare la pagina Web
Cause più probabili:
Nessuna connessione a Internet.
Si sono verificati problemi relativi al sito Web.
È possibile che nell'indirizzo sia presente un errore di digitazione. |
Bene. Allora facciamo un po' di prove.
1) hai controllato che il link da cui accedi è digitato giusto? Ovvero, riprova con il link della sola homepage: www.gentedimaregenealogy.com/
2) hai provato ad utilizzare un altro browser? Magari è saltata qualche impostazione di Explorer e non riesce a farti raggiungere il forum. Prova ad installare Firefox e guarda se ti dà lo stesso errore. Se non hai mai utilizzato Firefox, è una valida alternativa a Explorer, a mio parere più veloce e sicuro.
Prova a darci un'occhiata: LINK---> CLICCA QUI
3) Se nemmeno queste soluzioni funzionano, prova a fare come ti ha suggerito Cathy: manda in privato (per email o messaggio privato) a Nuccia il tuo numero di IP, così lei controlla se per caso è negli IP bloccati dal server.
4) In bocca al lupo!

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liviomoreno V.I.P.

Joined: Sep 08, 2007 Posts: 1140 Location: Rome (Italy)
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 10:49 am Post subject: Re: Occupation translation from Catasto Onciaro |
Cathy wrote: |
Sometimes the server goes down and none of us can get on. It usually comes back within 10 minutes. Try again, if that does not work send Nuccia your IP address. It could be the server blocked it. If you don't know your IP address, go here: whatismyipaddress.com/ |
I have sent to Nuccia Luca's IP address, however if you switch off your modem or router, when you connect again you get a new IP address. (Unless you have a point to point connection with your ISP).
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nuccia Admin

Joined: Jul 09, 2007 Posts: 4375 Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 10:55 am Post subject: Re: Occupation translation from Catasto Onciaro |
I got your message and am looking through all the boards. I am not sure but I think Luca may be trying to fix the problem on his end as well. Will keep you posted..and please do the same for us.
Thanks Again for all your help.
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Luca Translator

Joined: Jan 22, 2008 Posts: 695 Location: Terni - Italy
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 1:09 pm Post subject: Re: Occupation translation from Catasto Onciaro |
nuccia wrote: |
I am going to split this thread to the PC board on Monday so it doesn't interrupt the original post... |
Spostalo quando vuoi tu. Nel frattempo provo con i vostri suggerimenti.
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tjbrn Explorer

Joined: Jan 24, 2008 Posts: 487 Location: North Carolina
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 6:47 pm Post subject: Re: Occupation translation from Catasto Onciaro |
Perhaps Luca should download and install Firefox. This might help to identify the source of the problem, that is if it is browser specific. FF is easy to install and can be removed with no ill effects to the system. I use FF as my main browser although I also use Safari and Camino as well. All of my computers are Macs now, however, I still use XP via VMware Fusion on my Intel iMac for one or two programs. As to Gente's site being down, this does happen at odd times; there are no errors displayed but the browser simply cannot connect to the server. At least the Gente site no longer displays an "Unknown Agent" message when I use the latest version of Safari --some of the sites accessed from the Italian genealogy site still do which I think depends on the filters installed on the web servers.
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nuccia Admin

Joined: Jul 09, 2007 Posts: 4375 Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:32 pm Post subject: Re: Occupation translation from Catasto Onciaro |
Quote:: |
At least the Gente site no longer displays an "Unknown Agent" message when I use the latest version of Safari |

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liviomoreno V.I.P.

Joined: Sep 08, 2007 Posts: 1140 Location: Rome (Italy)
Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 2:27 am Post subject: Re: Occupation translation from Catasto Onciaro |
This is the msg that I received from Luca:
Luca wrote: |
Sembra impossibile, ma ancora non riesco a collegarmi
Considera che
1) ho disinstallato Norton e bloccato l'antivirus: niente
2) ho installato un nuovo firewall: zone alarm
3) ho scaricato firefox quindi (per maggiore sicurezza)
a) ho chiuso il firewall e l'antivirus
b) ho cliccato su Gente e questa è la risposta:
- Tempo di attesa terminato
Il server www.gentedimaregenealogy.com sta impiegando troppo tempo a rispondere.
* Il sito potrebbe non essere disponibile o sovraccarico. Riprovare fra qualche momento.
* Se non è possibile caricare alcuna pagina, controllare la connessione di rete del computer.
* Se il computer o la rete sono protetti da un firewall o un proxy, assicurarsi che Firefox abbia i permessi per accedere al web. -
Considera che nel firewall trovo degli indirizzi (ripetuti) bloccati come se si trattasse di un tentativo di attacco esterno: questi sono gli IP bloccati (vedi, per favore, se sono quelli di Gente) |
To summarize, Luca has uninstalled Norton - nothing happened, installed a new firewall (zone alarm), downloaded Firefox, closed both antivirus and firewall, and clicked on Gente getting the following Msg:
Waiting time terminated
The server www.gentedimaregenealogy.com is taking too much time to answer
The site could be unavailable or overloaded...
If you cannot load any page pleas check your network connection
If your computer has a firewall or proxy check that firefox has the required authorizations.
The following IPs are blocked by his firewall:
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nuccia Admin

Joined: Jul 09, 2007 Posts: 4375 Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 5:53 am Post subject: Re: Occupation translation from Catasto Onciaro |
Do you have this site bookmarked or do you type in the url each time? I would definitely try typing it in first since you have already cleaned out your cache and cookies.
Also, check to make sure you haven't added a filter to block the forum. Thats happened to me before.
Have you tried starting your PC in safe mode and then try to access the sites?
After researching this for the last few hours, I have more questions. By any chance, have you used an adware or spyware removal tool in the past? My guess is that it has removed some files in the registry (HOST) which allows you to log onto this site ans perhaps other sites which require a login. It seems to be a fairly common issue.
This may be one option to try..but research it first. It looks good but I would rather try other things first.
Another thing could be to create a restore point and then system restore your PC to a time when it worked correctly.
I'll keep looking in the meantime, but soon I need to get ready for work. Check back with you later.
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Luca Translator

Joined: Jan 22, 2008 Posts: 695 Location: Terni - Italy
Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 9:23 am Post subject: Re: Occupation translation from Catasto Onciaro |
Maybe, and I repeat maybe, I understood the problem.
It's a question of my provider (fastweb) and the metod of displaying IP at the external of its private net. I required a public IP temporarily and now I can view Gente
So It isn't a problem of my old pc 
(I hope it isn't angry with me because I had doubts about its ability  )
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liviomoreno V.I.P.

Joined: Sep 08, 2007 Posts: 1140 Location: Rome (Italy)
Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 9:47 am Post subject: Re: Occupation translation from Catasto Onciaro |
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