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Joined: Jul 10, 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 6:20 pm    Post subject: My family online Reply with quote

I have been aware of the website Tropea Magazine that has been online many years. One of my family's surnames is highlighted on many pages there and I now know there is a page on Cippolini's that gives details of my great great grandparent's marriage. I would like the following quote from there interpreted ( I do not care if it is exact or just the idea of what it says):
Egli nacque in Tropea a 26 gennaio 1802 da Ignazio e Domenica Bagnato; ebbe molte sorelle e fratelli, fra cui i viventi Ottavio e Vice-ammiraglio Conte Napoleone Scrugli, e dall'infanzia manifestò ingegno non comune, e progredì sotto la guida del dotto suo zio Giuseppe canonico Scrugli, e del dottissimo Barone Ignazio, che Galluppi riveriva come maestro, e n'è prova l'inedito elogio funebre del Barone dettato dal Galluppi.
Crebbe lo Scrugli negli anni, e nell'amore allo studio, e cinse la veste dei seguaci di Sant'Alfonso de Liguori, e nei diversi collegi dei Liguorini si fece sempre ammirare per l'ingegno, e per la costanza nello studio; ma una malattia lo costrinse ad abbandonare il chiostro, e fuori d'esso non potea mancare allo Scrugli un posto ed il plauso ed onore dovuto; ed egli fu Teologo della cattedrale di Oppido, e poi di quella del suo paese natio. Insegnò sempre con lode così le scienze ecclesiastiche, dommatiche, morali, canoniche, esegetico-bibliche, come anche le filosofiche in privati studi, e nei Seminari di Oppido e Tropea; fu membro di moltissime Accademie, e per la scienza meritò la croce del Reale Ordine Costantiniano, Oratore sacro fu degno di ascendere i primi pergami della Calabria, Catanzaro, Reggio, Cosenza, e fuori di Calabria, anche di altre molte cospicue città, fra cui Aquila.
La sua morte avvenuta a dieci ottobre milleottocentosettantasei in Tropea aprì un vuoto, che non si colmerà nella sua patria per molto tempo, e fu annunziata con dolore, dalla Verità Gazzetta Calabrese di Catanzaro a 9 maggio 1877 e dalla Tribuna di Napoli a 20 maggio detto anno.
Se noi dovessimo convenientemente dir della scienza dello Scrugli, sorpasseremmo i limiti imposti, e però ne faremo un fuggevole cenno.
La filosofia è scienza prima, e le altre scienze considerate senza relazione ad esse sono prive di vitalità; sono rami divelti dall'albero, nè il clero sconobbe mai questo vero, e il chiericato italiano ne dà prova in Genovesi, Stellini, Gioberti, Rosmini, Fornari, Pestalozza, Sanseverino, Prisco.

The page I took this from is here if you need a reference: www.tropeamagazine.it/...index.html
It seems to me there are family references here that I am most interested in.
Thank you so much.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 8:00 pm    Post subject: Re: My family online Reply with quote

This is the bit you highlighted above Cathy...

Hope this helps. It's late and I didn't open the other link. I'll have a look tomorrow if you need other bts translating....

He was born in Tropea 26 January 1802 to Ignazio and Domenica Bagnato; he had many sisters and brothers, living among who was Ottavio and Vice-admiral Count Napoleone Scrugli, and from infancy showed a not common intelligence, and heprogressed under the guidance of his learned uncle Giuseppe canon Scrugli, and the very learned Baron Ignazio, that Galluppi revered as a maestro, and he wrote(?) the unpublished eulogy of the Baron that was dictated by Galluppi.

Scrugli grew through the years, and in the love of studying, and wore the dress of the followers of Saint Alfonso of Liguori, and in the various colleges of the Liguorini he became admired for his intelligence, and for the perseverance in his studies; but an illness forced him to abandon his monastic life, and outside he could not miss a position and the approval and honour he was due by the Scrugli; and he was Theologian of the Cathedral of Oppido, and then of that of his birth town. He always taught the ecclesiastical sciences, dogma's, morals,canonicals, critical biblical explanations with praise, as also the philosophies in private study, and in the Seminaries of Oppido and Tropea; he was a member of many Academies, and for the science he earned the cross of the Royal Order of Constantiniano, holy Speaker and was worthy to ascend to the first parchments of Calabria, Catanzaro, Reggio, Cosenza, and outside Calabria, also in many other prominent cities, among which is Aquila. His death came on tenth October 1876 in Tropea and it opened a void, that did not calm down in his homeland for a long time, and was announced with sorrow, from the Verità Gazzetta Calabrese of Catanzaro on the 9 May 1877 and by the Tribuna ofi Napoli on the 20 May in the said year. detto anno.

If we must conveniently speak of the science of Scrugli, we will exceed the limits laid down,
however we will make a passing gesture.
The philosophy and science first, and the other sciences considered without relation to them are deprived of vitality; they are branches torn off the tree, not even the clergy ever acknowledged this truth, and the Italian priesthood gave evidence in Genovesi, Stellini, Gioberti, Rosmini, Fornari, Pestalozza, Sanseverino, Prisco.


If you think education is expensive -try ignorance!

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 8:35 pm    Post subject: Re: My family online Reply with quote

Very interesting Carole! Thank you so much. So, he is the brother of Vice Admiral, Count and Senator Napoleone Scrugli! Now all I need are more marriage records so I can go back further and I should be able to tell how they relate to my family. I beleive my Antonio was his brother but I need his ellusive marriage record to tell.
I am not sure how these titles work. If Ignazio was a Baron and my Antonio was a Count as was Napoleone, are the sons and grandsons of Barons Counts? Or is that a totally different title? Someone was a Duke too but I already forgot who. Embarassed I am a little confused... Confused Does anyone know of a site in english that explains these titles? No need to go any further on that page now Carole - you gave me what I needed. Thanks again.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 1:33 am    Post subject: Re: My family online Reply with quote


Very interesting article, Cathy. Below is the translation of the very first paragraph, that was omitted in your transcription:

L'oblio non assorbirebbe i nomi di molti, se questi fossero stati meno timidi a mostrarsi, e sarebbe morto ignorato anche il Barone Galluppi, se non fosse andato in Napoli per una lite familiare, e l'avvocato di lui non lo avesse presentato al Ministro Petracatella, che gli diede la cattedra di filosofia senza concorso; cosa insolita a quei tempi.
Lo Scrugli, concittadino al Galluppi, del quale seguì le dottrine, avrebbe di certo avuta fama maggiore, e più estesa, se avesse dato alla luce le sue opere. Pur ristringendoci nei confini angusti che ci sono imposti, faremo rapido cenno sulla vita e sulla scienza dello Scrugli.

The oblivion would not absorb many names, if these were less shy to show themselves, and also the Baron Galluppi would have died ignored, if he had not gone to Naples for a familiar lawsuit, and his lawyer had not introduced him to the Minister Petracatella, who gave him the chair of philosophy without competition; unusual thing to those times. Mr Scrugli, fellow-citizen of Mr Galluppi, of whom he followed the doctrines, certainly would have had a greater and more extended reputation , if had given to the light his works. Although constrained in the narrow boundaries that we were given, we will give a quick summary on the life and on the science of the Scrugli.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 3:19 am    Post subject: Re: My family online Reply with quote

Cathy - Try this one for information on Italian nobility... (Section 9)

>Glossary - European Nobility<


If you think education is expensive -try ignorance!

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 10:23 am    Post subject: Re: My family online Reply with quote

liviomoreno wrote:

Very interesting article, Cathy. Below is the translation of the very first paragraph, that was omitted in your transcription:

L'oblio non assorbirebbe i nomi di molti, se questi fossero stati meno timidi a mostrarsi, e sarebbe morto ignorato anche il Barone Galluppi, se non fosse andato in Napoli per una lite familiare, e l'avvocato di lui non lo avesse presentato al Ministro Petracatella, che gli diede la cattedra di filosofia senza concorso; cosa insolita a quei tempi.
Lo Scrugli, concittadino al Galluppi, del quale seguì le dottrine, avrebbe di certo avuta fama maggiore, e più estesa, se avesse dato alla luce le sue opere. Pur ristringendoci nei confini angusti che ci sono imposti, faremo rapido cenno sulla vita e sulla scienza dello Scrugli.

The oblivion would not absorb many names, if these were less shy to show themselves, and also the Baron Galluppi would have died ignored, if he had not gone to Naples for a familiar lawsuit, and his lawyer had not introduced him to the Minister Petracatella, who gave him the chair of philosophy without competition; unusual thing to those times. Mr Scrugli, fellow-citizen of Mr Galluppi, of whom he followed the doctrines, certainly would have had a greater and more extended reputation , if had given to the light his works. Although constrained in the narrow boundaries that we were given, we will give a quick summary on the life and on the science of the Scrugli.
So far they seem to be a very interesting family. How all this was lost to my family, I do not know. They rarely spoke of life in Italy. Perhaps it was too painful. Thank you for this translation Livio. I have seen many references to my family and the Galluppi family and the Toraldo family together so at the least, they must have been friends. Perhaps there is a family link (I have been unable to verify this so far).
Correct me if I am misunderstanding all this – Giuseppe Maria Scrugli was a philosopher?
There is a book I have seen at an online Italian bookstore about the genealogy of the nobility of Tropea. Do you think it may have my family in it?

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 10:37 am    Post subject: Re: My family online Reply with quote

Sorry, but this bit mentions my great great grandfather Antonio Scrugli (father of my g grandmother Natalina) and his marriage to Caterina Cipollina. Can this please be translated too?
<<Gaetano Cipollini, musicista compositore, nasce a Tropea il 18-02-1851 da Ferdinando Cipollini e Natalina Scrugli, padrino il Cav. Francesco Mottola del fu Paolo. I suoi genitori, Ferdinando e Natalina, si erano sposati il 18 Marzo 1850 presso la Parrocchia di S. Caterina in Tropea, il rito fu officiato dal parroco Don Vincenzo Scordamaglia. In quello stesso giorno il fratello di Natalina, Antonio Scrugli sposò la sorella di Ferdinando, Caterina Cipollini nella stessa Chiesa con lo stesso parroco e con gli stessi testimoni, Bruno Simonelli e Pasquale Saccomanno. Il parroco ebbe ad annotare che sia gli Scrugli che i Cipollini erano suoi parrocchiani.(...........)>>. Dal "Programma" del Concerto che ebbe luogo a Tropea presso la Biblioteca Comunale il 18 febbraio 2001, in occasione dei 150 anni dalla nascita di Gaetano Cipollini, organizzato dall'Associazione Musicale "TropeaMusica" in collaborazione con il Conservatorio di Musica di Vibo Valentia.
2 Oggi Vibo Valentia. I non pochi riferimenti sia contenuti nell'opera sia annotati dall'autore in calce alle pagine del libretto, fanno ritenere che il luogo dove si svolge la vicenda sia Briatico che confina con il Comune di Vibo Valentia.

I appreciate it. In case you need the webpage as a reference it is here

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 12:04 pm    Post subject: Re: My family online Reply with quote

<<Gaetano Cipollini, musician and composer, was born in Tropea on Feb 18 1851 to Ferdinando Cipollini and Natalina Scrugli, godfather was Cav. Francesco Nottola son of the late Paolo. His parents, Ferdinando and Natalina did marry on March 18, 1850, in the Santa Caterina Parish in Tropea, the wedding was celebrated by the parish priest Don Vincenzo Scordamaglia. In this same day Natalina's brother, Antonio Scrugli, married Ferdinando's sister, Caterina Cipollima, in the same parish, with the same priest and the same witnesses Bruno Simonelli and Pasquale Saccomanno. The priest noted taht both the Scrugli and the Cipollini were his parishiones...>>excerpt from the "Programme" of the concert held in Tropea on Feb 18 2001, at the City Library, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Gaetano Cipollini's birth, organized by the Associazione Musicale "TropeaMusica" in cooperation with the Conservatorio (conservatory) di Musica di Vibo Valentia.

Oggi Vibo valentia .... This is a note to say that Monteleone Calabro is now called Vibo valentia...

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 12:23 pm    Post subject: Re: My family online Reply with quote

Thanks so much Livio! That was very helpful. Now I know the Cipollina's were residents of Tropea before they married. (they were both born in Filadalfia). So, my family's musical talents are in the genes! Wink

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 12:24 pm    Post subject: Re: My family online Reply with quote

Carole wrote:
Cathy - Try this one for information on Italian nobility... (Section 9)

>Glossary - European Nobility<
Thanks so much Carole! This looks very helpful.

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