As with most social networks, Facebook is what you make of it. It can be boring, as well as exciting--re-connecting with old friends, family, etc., or simply meeting new ones. There are pages for towns in Italy where people come and comment, perhaps hoping to find information regarding relatives. There are genealogy pages as well. There are controls to handling information sharing; I'd suggest you spend time learning what they are and how to use them--kinda like pulling down the shades at night so not every passerby can peer into your window. I use Facebook.
Twitter is a bird of another stripe although it too is an example of social networking. I don't tweet. I am too verbose and find I can rarely say anything of interest, value, or clever in a mere 144 characters

Twitter limits posts ( tweets ) to 144 characters. There is more to Twitter but I was never one to fall lock-step after anyone's doings, let alone one's every second, and I don't go in for hero worship. But hey, incisive wit and inanity may very well be succinctly expressed. Who knows, the next abbreviated social network may be aptly named: Haiku