Translation Help Please
For help with translating documents or writing letters.
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Nico121 Mem

Joined: Apr 30, 2008 Posts: 13
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Carole Admin

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 1662 Location: Valtellina - Near Lake Como
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liviomoreno V.I.P.

Joined: Sep 08, 2007 Posts: 1140 Location: Rome (Italy)
Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 12:22 pm Post subject: Re: Translation Help Please |
Right now, I have no time to translate it in its entirety...
It is a copy of a Marriage record in the comune of Venafro.
Date: 1895, Apr 5, Nicola BORRELLI and Maria Bambina GAGLIA.
Nicola Borrelli, age 33, born in Venafro, shoemaker, son of the late Filippo and of Teresa D'IRIO
Maria Bambina Gaglia, age 21, housewife, born in Cantalupo, living in Venafro, daughter of the late Pierangelo and the late Scolastica MANFREDI.
In the same act Nicola and Maria Bambina declare that the baby-girl Assunta, Francesca, Filippa Borrelli born on April 3rd 1895 to "unknown parents" is their daughter.
_________________ Livio
La mia genealogia |
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Carole Admin

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 1662 Location: Valtellina - Near Lake Como
Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 6:01 pm Post subject: Re: Translation Help Please |
Translation 1st document:
Province of Campobafro District of Isernia
Comune of Venafro
Extract from the register of the marriage certificates for the year
One thousand eight hundred and ninety five
Number 18
Borrelli Nicola
Gaglia Maria Bambina
The year One thousand eight hundred and ninety five, on the fifth
of September at eleven twenty am in the Town Hall of Venafro
open to the public.
Before me Pietro Serpe xxxxxx acting Mayor of the state Registrars
Office in my official capacity, personally appearing is: 1. Nicolo Borrelli
of thirty three years, shoemaker, born in Venafro, resident in Venafro,
son of the late Francesco, resident when alive in Venafro and Teresa
d’ Irio, residente in Venafro 2. Maria Bambina Gaglia of twenty one
years, housewife, born in Cantalupo, resident in Venafro, daughter of the
late Pierangelo resident in Venafro and the late Scolastica Manfredi
resident when living in the said Comune, and who have asked me to join
them in matrimony, to this end they have….

If you think education is expensive -try ignorance!
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Nico121 Mem

Joined: Apr 30, 2008 Posts: 13
Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 9:20 am Post subject: Re: Translation Help Please |
Thanks for the first page translation.
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Carole Admin

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 1662 Location: Valtellina - Near Lake Como
Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 11:45 am Post subject: Re: Translation Help Please |
OK - Here is the THIRD page of this document.
I openly confess that I really struggled with the handwriting in the middle (second) part  . 
I found it very difficult to read.
For this reason I am still quite happy to do a verbatim translation IF someone can just transcribe it for me... (Luca -Livio???  )
…as born of unknown parents, it was declared by the bridegroom Nicolo Borrelli, on the third day of April eighteen hundred and ninety five before this Official of the Registry Office, that she will be called Assunta, Francesca, Filippa Borrelli, and they declared to me that with this present act they recognize her as their daughter in every respect of their legitimate marriage.
Sead the present act to all those present; they xxxx Undersigned=Signed= Nicola Borrelli=Maria Bambina Gaglia=Giuseppe Faglietta=Giovanni di Palma=Pietro Serpe=
This extract is in accordance with and is issued on request by Gaglia Maria Bambina
Venafro, 25 January 1911.
Official of the Registry Office
Town Council of Venafro

If you think education is expensive -try ignorance!
>Expats in Italy<
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liviomoreno V.I.P.

Joined: Sep 08, 2007 Posts: 1140 Location: Rome (Italy)
Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 1:42 pm Post subject: Re: Translation Help Please |
I have inserted the translation of page 2 between the pages translated by Carole, so the full document reads:
Province of Campobasso District of Isernia
Comune of Venafro
Extract from the register of the marriage certificates for the year
One thousand eight hundred and ninety five
Number 18
Borrelli Nicola
Gaglia Maria Bambina
The year One thousand eight hundred and ninety five, on the fifth
of September at eleven twenty am in the Town Hall of Venafro
open to the public.
Before me Pietro Serpe xxxxxx acting Mayor of the state Registrars
Office in my official capacity, personally appearing is: 1. Nicolo Borrelli
of thirty three years, shoemaker, born in Venafro, resident in Venafro,
son of the late Francesco, resident when alive in Venafro and Teresa
d’ Irio, residente in Venafro 2. Maria Bambina Gaglia of twenty one
years, housewife, born in Cantalupo, resident in Venafro, daughter of the
late Pierangelo resident in Venafro and the late Scolastica Manfredi
resident when living in the said Comune, and who have asked me to join
them in matrimony, to this end they have given to me the document xxxxx, and after having examined it together with the document presented when they requested to publish the bans, and verified that all the documents have my written approval and I insert them in the book containing the annexes to this register, thus resulting the clearance to celebrate the marriage, I have read to the spouses the articles 130, 131 and 132 of the Civil law, I have then asked to the bridegroom if he was willing to take as wife the present Maria Bambina Gaglia and to this [the bride] if she was willing to take as husband the present Nicola Borrelli and since each of them have answered affirmatively in full understanding by the witnesses below indicated, I have pronounced in the name of the law they are united in marriage. Witnesses to this act were Giuseppe Foglietta, aged 37, owner and Giovanni Palma, aged 72, industrialist, both living in this comune. The document that they have given is the certification of the banns published in this comune the first time on August 18 and the second time on August 25. The spouses, in presence of the same witnesses, said that from their natural union was born a girl who [was declared]
as born of unknown parents, it was declared by the bridegroom Nicolo Borrelli, on the third day of April eighteen hundred and ninety five before this Official of the Registry Office, that she will be called Assunta, Francesca, Filippa Borrelli, and they declared to me that with this present act they recognize her as their daughter in every respect of their legitimate marriage.
Sead the present act to all those present; they xxxx Undersigned=Signed= Nicola Borrelli=Maria Bambina Gaglia=Giuseppe Faglietta=Giovanni di Palma=Pietro Serpe=
This extract is in accordance with and is issued on request by Gaglia Maria Bambina
Venafro, 25 January 1911.
Official of the Registry Office
Town Council of Venafro
_________________ Livio
La mia genealogia |
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Luca Translator

Joined: Jan 22, 2008 Posts: 695 Location: Terni - Italy
Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 1:46 pm Post subject: Re: Translation Help Please |
(pre)sentato il documento sottoscritto, e dall'esame di questo, nonché di quelli già prodotti all'atto della richiesta delle pubblicazioni, i quali tutti muniti del mio visto, inserisco nel volume degli allegati a questo registro, risultandomi nulla ostare alla celebrazione del loro matrimonio, ho letto agli sposi gli articoli 130, 131, e 132 del Codice Civile e quindi ho domandato allo sposo se intenda di prendere in moglie la qui presente Maria Bambina Caglia, e a questa se intenda prendere in marito il qui presente Nicola Borrelli ed avendomi ciascuno risposto affermativamente a piena intelligenza anche dei testimoni sotto indicati, ho pronunciato in nome della legge - sono uniti in matrimonio. A quest'atto sono stati presenti Giuseppe Foglietta di anni 37, proprietario, e Giovanni di Palma, di anni 72, industriante, entrambi residenti in questo Comune. Il documento presentato è il certificato delle pubblicazioni eseguite in questo Comune la prima il giorno 18 Agosto ultimo, la seconda il dì 25 detto. Gli sposi alla presenza degli stessi testimoni, hanno esposto altresì che dalla loro unione naturale, nacque una figlia che...
Se serve anche la terza pagina se ne parla domani. Bye
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Luca Translator

Joined: Jan 22, 2008 Posts: 695 Location: Terni - Italy
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Nico121 Mem

Joined: Apr 30, 2008 Posts: 13
Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 2:10 pm Post subject: Re: Translation Help Please |
Thanks, Carloe, Livio and all the rest of you great people.
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Carole Admin

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 1662 Location: Valtellina - Near Lake Como
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