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English to spanish please
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Joined: Jul 10, 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 12:06 pm    Post subject: English to spanish please Reply with quote

I need a english to spanish translation please. This is my response to the Garrafa story in the "general discussion" board.
Thank you for sending me the document your daughter wrote. She did a wonderful job and I can tell she worked very hard on it. I understood most of it but had a little difficulty in the paragraph that contained my great grandmother's name so Liz was kind enough to translate it for me. My great grandmother was Angelina Napolitano, sister of Emilia, Domenico Garrafa's first wife. I was intrigued by this story that has been passed down in your family. I have a question about it. Is that really the story told to you by your aunt? The reason I ask is, although it is a very touching story, it cannot be true as I read it. When Domenico Garrafa married Emilia, she was only 15 years old and Angelina was 2 years old. And Angelina did not die in 1885 - Emilia died that year. Angelina died in 1907. And according to the story my grandfather told, Domenico Garrafa did take him and his half brothers and sisters into his home. Since Angelina died 2 weeks after giving birth to a son, one of those children he took in was a newborn baby. I found this baby’s death record and his death was reported by Domenico Garrafa. So that part of the story is true, however, there were more than 4 children. Angelina was married twice. She married my great grandfather Domenico Enrico Napolitano in 1889 when she was 18. He died in 1895. In January 1898 she married Raffaele DeSeta, the son of Carmela Garrafa (Domenico’s sister) and Giuseppe DeSeta. So, if Domenico Garrafa was in love with my great grandmother, it had to be after Emilia died in 1885. Perhaps this is when he wanted to marry her – between 1885 and 1888. My grandfather rarely spoke of his life in Italy so this is the first story I ever heard about her. If you have more, I would love to hear them. Do you have any pictures of Emilia or Angelina? We have no pictures from Italy at all. Thank you so much.

Sorry this is so long. I would appreciate a translation so I can email it to her. Thank you so much.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 1:57 pm    Post subject: Re: English to spanish please Reply with quote

Sorry - I need to add one more line to this.
I now know Domenico Garrafa's mother's name was Elena DeMunno.
Thanks again.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 2:19 pm    Post subject: Re: English to spanish please Reply with quote

Gracias por enviarme el documento que su hija escribio. Ella ha hecho un gran trabajo y me puedo dar cuenta que ella puso mucho esfuerzo en este. He entendido la mayor parte del trabajo, pero tuve un poco de dificultad tratando de entender el parrafo que contiene el nombre de mi bisabuela, Liz fue muy generosa al traducirlo por mi.

Mi bisabuela fue Angelina Napolitano, hermana de Emilia que fue la primera esposa de Domenico Garrafa. Me intrigo mucho la historia que ha sido repetida de generacion a generacion en su familia, y tengo una pregunta sobre eso. Es esa la verdadera historia dicha a usted por su tia? La razon por la que pregunto es porque, a pesar de que fue una historia muy conmovedora no puede que sea cierta, tal como la he leido. Cuando Domenico Garrafa se caso con Emilia, ella solo tenia 15 anos y Angelina solo 2 anos. Y Angelina no murio en 1885, Emilia murio ese ano. Angelina murio en 1907.

De acuerdo a la historia que mi abuelo conto, Domenico Garrafa si lo albergo a el, asi como a sus medios hermanos (y hermanas) en su hogar. Angelina murio 2 semanas despues de haber dado a luz a un hijo y si, uno de los ninos que Domenico albergo en su hogar fue un bebe. He encontrado el certificado de defuncion de dicho bebe y su muerte fue reportada por Domenico Garrafa.

Parte de la historia es cierta, pero hubieron 4 ninos mas. Angelina se caso dos veces. Ella se caso con mi bisabuelo Domenico Enrico Napolitano en 1889 cuando ella tenia 18 anos. En Enero de 1898 ella se caso con Raffaele DeSeta, el era hijo de Carmela Garrafa (hermana de Domenico Garrafa) y Giuseppe DeSeta.

Por lo tanto, si Domenico Garrafa estaba enamorado de mi bisabuela Angelina (como escribio su hija en el trabajo que me ha enviado), eso tiene que haber sido "despues" de que Emilia falleciera en 1885. Quizas esa es mas o menos la fecha en la que el (Domenico) queria casarse con ella, entre 1885 y 1888.

My abuelo raramente hablo de su vida en Italia, asi que esta es la primera historia que he leido/sabido de ella. Si usted tiene mas historias que compartir, me encantaria escucharlas/leer sobre estas.

Queria compartir con usted el nombre de la madre de Domenico Garrafa, ella se llamaba Elena DeMunno.

Por casualidad, tiene usted en su poder or sabe de alguien en la familia que pueda tener fotos de Emilia o Angelina? Mi familia no tiene ninguna foto de Italia. Gracias de antemano.


Liz Cool


Transcripts for towns of Petrona' - San Vincenzo la Costa and Verzino, Italy Smile
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Joined: Jul 10, 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 7:31 am    Post subject: Re: English to spanish please Reply with quote

Thanks so much Liz. You are most wonderful.

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