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Joined: Nov 28, 2008
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Location: Biella (Piedmont) and Venezia/Venice, Italy

PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:48 am    Post subject: My relatives in US Reply with quote

A very kind member of this forum asked me if I needed any help to find records for my relatives who went to US. Well, yes. I found many ship manifests using Steve Morse website and some census on family search but there are some misteries I couldn't solve.
My relatives were from Bogogno, province of Novara. The spelling for the town and the province had many variations and so did the names. Some surnames are very common in Italy and that causes confusion. On some manifests there was no town of origin but I could locate them as they travelled with other relatives from the same town. They started to emigrate around 1890 and their first destination was Osage City, Kansas, sometimes only mentioned as Kansas. Among first ones was Francesco Nicolazzi born on June 12,1847 who travelled a lot and might have been in South America before or Canada. I found a record on Castle Garden which could be him on his first travel to US:

Age 41
Sex M
Literacy U
Arrived 24 Aug 1888
Origin ITALY
Last Residence
Destination 7328
Plan Unknown
Passage Unknown

The age corresponds. If Elizabeth can see the manifest, there might be others with him having those surnames listed below my signature. I don't know if he travelled to US before that date, his name could have been mispelled also as Nicolazzo, Nicolassi, Nicolozzi, etc.
All of his family moved to US few years later but that's another story.

Thank you for your help Very Happy


Researching: Agazzone, Beretta, Bertona, Carbonati, Castelletta, Ferrari, Gallo, Guglielmetti, Marchini, Mascagni, Nicolazzi, Nobile, Rossi, Sacco, Tosone - gone to USA from Bogogno, province of Novara, Piedmont, Italy.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:01 am    Post subject: Re: My relatives in US Reply with quote

Hello, Ada

Thought I'd jump in here to see if I can help. Below is the link to the manifest you referenced. See lines 32 and 33. F. Nicoazzi travelling with G. Giulemeti (Gugliemetti?).


1895 Kansas Census, Osage City Kansas

Let me know what other records you are looking for and I'll see what I can find.


"There are only two lasting bequests we can give our children - one is roots, and the other, wings." -- Hodding S. Carter

"You live as long as you are remembered." -- Russian proverb
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Joined: Nov 28, 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 1:40 pm    Post subject: Re: My relatives in US Reply with quote

Hello Biff, thank you very much, very kind of you. Very Happy
Yes, the ship manifest confirms he was Francesco Nicolazzi. There are another two men with him from the same town, all relatives, Giuseppe Guglielmetti and Davide Tosone (Tosoni).

Thank you for the census which seems to be a real puzzle! Assuming that Frank could have made himself 10 years younger, I don't know who's Pauline. Frank's wife was Maria Marchini born May 1851. She went to Osage on July 10, 1893 on ship FULDA from Genoa with her five younger children. She's listed as "Macchini Niccol" and children are listed as Macchini too. Don't ask me how I found it, it took me years.
They also had two older children who went back and from US:

-Giovanni (John) born 1872 and he's probably the one on the census. I found and saw a very faded manifest for him on ship WERRA on Nov 20 1894 from Genoa.

- Angelo born 1874. He seems to have passed through Canada once
Destination Chicago
He declares he was in Osage City from 1894 to 1903.

Frank jr. on the census must be Luigi whose second name was Francesco.
They had double and also three names, all similar and they were using them alternatively so you can understand who they are only with dates. I wonder where is the rest of the family.
I found that their daughter Teresa got married in 1894 to Emil Beretta. Emil Beretta is a mistery. On Family Search I found a 1900 Census for Missouri where Nicolazzis and Berettas went. He is listed as Beretta E. and declares he was born in 1867 and immigrated on 1890 but I couldn't find any ship manifest for him. I'm trying to understand what town is he from.

Thanks for everybody's help.


Researching: Agazzone, Beretta, Bertona, Carbonati, Castelletta, Ferrari, Gallo, Guglielmetti, Marchini, Mascagni, Nicolazzi, Nobile, Rossi, Sacco, Tosone - gone to USA from Bogogno, province of Novara, Piedmont, Italy.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 3:08 pm    Post subject: Re: My relatives in US Reply with quote


I also located the following from Osage County Marriage records:

Marriage record listing for John Nicolazzi

Marriage record listing for Teresa Nicolazzi and Emil Beretta, listed under groom's name.


"There are only two lasting bequests we can give our children - one is roots, and the other, wings." -- Hodding S. Carter

"You live as long as you are remembered." -- Russian proverb
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 4:20 pm    Post subject: Re: My relatives in US Reply with quote

Thank you Biff. Sorry, I forgot to say I found that website some times ago. I found there John Nicolazzi's marriage. His wife' surname was mispelled. They wrote Rogers Panacea. The surname sounds very English but the first name was typical of Novara area. So I searched manifests having a passenger with first name Panacea. I was lucky enough, there were just a few and one of them was Panacea Ruggero. Guess where she was going? To Osage City to her friend John Nicolazzi. She was on ship La Gascogne on April 16, 1900. They got married on April 22. Unfortunately her town of origin was mispelled as they wrote "Chenne" which doesn't exist. The nearest name in the province of Novara is a town called Ghemme and may be that is the one.

Ancestry listed them in Kansas (but I don't have the images)
1900 United States Federal Census
Census & Voter Lists

Name: John Nicolayzi
Age: 27

Home in 1900

Name: John Nicolayzi
Spouse: Panacla
Birth: date - location
Marriage: year
More: See all information..

and in Appanoose County they were listed as John and Pamy Nicolazzo and later on as John Nicolaffi and she became Panacea Oggero.

I had also seen Teresa's marriage (on Osage County website) that's how I knew the date she got married.
They all moved to Missouri, then to Centerville and nearby towns in Appanoose County, Iowa where many other went in the following years always working as coal miners. Emil's surname was sometimes mispelled and listed as Barretta.
I wonder if there are passports, naturalization papers, or any other record showing Emil Beretta's place of birth or name of parents as well as for Panacea Ruggero Nicolazzi. Thanks in advance.


Researching: Agazzone, Beretta, Bertona, Carbonati, Castelletta, Ferrari, Gallo, Guglielmetti, Marchini, Mascagni, Nicolazzi, Nobile, Rossi, Sacco, Tosone - gone to USA from Bogogno, province of Novara, Piedmont, Italy.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:14 pm    Post subject: Re: My relatives in US Reply with quote


Here's a link to the 1900 census you mentioned above. They're living in Missouri with John's parents and siblings.


"There are only two lasting bequests we can give our children - one is roots, and the other, wings." -- Hodding S. Carter

"You live as long as you are remembered." -- Russian proverb
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Joined: Nov 28, 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:05 am    Post subject: Re: My relatives in US Reply with quote

Thank you very much Biff.
This census is very interesting, as you can see just below them is the same Guglielmetti Giuseppe who was with Frank on the first manifest you posted. On the Osage Marriages Website he is listed as Gughelinitti Joe and married Maggie Conus who was from Switzerland on December 1895. They had two chidren Agnes and John but I have no other info on them or their children, They might have moved to Centerville (or Rathburn or Harkes or Jerome) in Appanoose County, Iowa, where the majority of my relatives went after 1900. Others went to Glencoe Village, Cook County, Illinois.

Another relative was SACCO FEDERICO (aka Fredrick and also Fred), born Jul 18,1903 in Bogogno. I have ship manifest for him. In 1915 he lived in Appanoose County with his father Vince Sacco (also spelt Succo), mother Maria Guglielmetti, two brothers John and Attilio(aka Albert).
He married MARIE but I don't know when and who she is. I know who his brothers got married to (other relatives of mine) and would like to know what's her maiden name. Footnote lists them in Glencoe Village, Cook County, Illinois but I don't have the image. Through Find a Grave I found they are both buried at "Sacred Heart Cemetery", Northbrook, Illinois.
I know they had a daughter: Dolores.
Would it be possible to find something on MARIE?

Thank you for any help.


Researching: Agazzone, Beretta, Bertona, Carbonati, Castelletta, Ferrari, Gallo, Guglielmetti, Marchini, Mascagni, Nicolazzi, Nobile, Rossi, Sacco, Tosone - gone to USA from Bogogno, province of Novara, Piedmont, Italy.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:35 am    Post subject: Re: My relatives in US Reply with quote

Here's the 1930 census for Federico Sacco and wife Marie. Based on the age at first marriage, they were married about 1927. Marie was born in Italy about 1909 and emigrated in 1913.

I searched the Cook County marriages for Saccos but nothing on Federico.



"There are only two lasting bequests we can give our children - one is roots, and the other, wings." -- Hodding S. Carter

"You live as long as you are remembered." -- Russian proverb
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:56 am    Post subject: Re: My relatives in US Reply with quote

uantiti wrote:
what's her maiden name. Footnote lists them in Glencoe Village, Cook County, Illinois but I don't have the image. Through Find a Grave I found they are both buried at "Sacred Heart Cemetery", Northbrook, Illinois.
I know they had a daughter: Dolores.
Would it be possible to find something on MARIE?

Thank you for any help.

Ada, if you would like pictures of the grave let me know. Northbrook is about 20 miles from me. I am busy this weekend but maybe I could go next weekend and find the grave to photograph it. Also if you need me to call anyone I would be happy to help.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 4:45 pm    Post subject: Re: My relatives in US Reply with quote

Cathy, thank you, it's very kind of you but pictures of their tombstones are on Find A Grave Website as well as other few relatives buried in that cemetery. Thank you also for offering to call but many descendants left Illinois and went to other states. But I will remember your offer in case I need you to take a walk in a cemetery for me Shocked .


Researching: Agazzone, Beretta, Bertona, Carbonati, Castelletta, Ferrari, Gallo, Guglielmetti, Marchini, Mascagni, Nicolazzi, Nobile, Rossi, Sacco, Tosone - gone to USA from Bogogno, province of Novara, Piedmont, Italy.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 8:10 pm    Post subject: Re: My relatives in US Reply with quote

Hi Ada I'm so glad you posted Very Happy I went through all of your surnames and found quite a bit of information (if I have the right families Shocked ). Many of these ships manifests I found have references back to Kansas. I'm going to post the list of manifests and if you can tell me whether you have looked at them, and ruled them out, or if you would haven't seen some of them and would like them posted it will be a big help. You'll see that many of the families went to Iowa which should help in locating additional census information and possible living relatives.

Here goes.......and Biff..........don't shoot me...this is long Wink

Angela Agazzone line 23 arrival dec. 1 1914 ship is verona going to husband Giuseppe Guglelmetti Centerville Iowa. Traveling with child (Gelsomina Guglielmetti) and 3 people also going to Iowa but to Rathburn Iowa. Maria Guglielmetti and children Attilio Sacco and Federico Sacco lines 20-22

Also dec. 1 1914 different manifest line 6 Angelo Agazzone (father paolo still in bogogna) ship is verona. Leaving genoa going to centerville iowa to brother in law luigi nicolozzi

maria agazzone line 22 left le havre apr 19, 1913 arrived apr 28 1913 (father paolo) going to her sister Maria Agazzone in centerville ship is s.s. rochambeau
on same manifest line 1 centerville iowa Rocco Sacco going to brother in law genesio Sacco
on same manifest line 3 centerville iowa Luigi Sacco going to cousin luigi nicolazzi
on same manifest line 4 centerville iowa Federico Sacco going to cousin antonio marchino (mystic iowa)
on same manifest line 8 centerville iowa Rocco Tasone going to cousin antonio ?????

same ship and dates different manifest
luigi sacco his wife caterina sacco is still in italy luigi is going to brother in law genasso sacco in diamond iowa

Angelo sacco/nicolazzi arrived feb 26 1905 left le havre on feb. 18 1905 line 9 traveling with his mother on line8
maria sacco going to her husband and his father angelo nicolazzi in mendota iowa(also says cincinatti iowa??) the people above on lines 5, 6 and 7 are going to the same place also but says they are from Shurane?? their last name is Ugero and they are going to their daughter/sister maria ugero
also the person on line 10 last name vigotti from Shurane and going to friend carlo ugero

Eusebio Beretta arrived mar. 13, 1905 left le havre line 9 ship is s.s. la touraine left havre march 4th 1905
going to his brother massimo beretta on 24th st.
also line 8 is from novaro name is giovanni benzio both going to NYC to his cousin Mario Battesta? on 27th st.
whats interesting on this manifest is that lines 1, 2 and 3 giovanni battistello, elisa maria battistello and niece
maria battistello are all going to centerville iowa to his son giovanni battistello in centerville iowa they are from Vicenza

Francesca Bertone arrived feb 7 1898 left le havre jan. 29th line 4 going to w. hoboken nj going to join her son
but doesn't give his name says from novara ship was the s.s. la gossogne also on same manifest from novara are lines
5 through 9 are antonio mello, lavicca, emilia, ida and battistina all from novara going to w. hoboken nj antonio was
in the usa before in cyc??? or gyc??? and they are going to giuseppe ass??? or uss?? in ny
line 12 also from novaro antonio alsera not sure if it says he died on trip or not was here before from 1893-1897

Rosa Carbonati arrived 1914 line 3 arrived may 15 1914 left genova 29th of apr. going to her ??? cant read it
Giuseppe Origoni can't read his address or town either think the state is Texas maybe Montague Texas (first page).
Second page says somewhere else in Texas for Giuseppe.
Rosa leaves her mother teresa in bogogno also says she had been here from 1892 to 1907

These next ones are all listed as coming from bozogno all on same manifest ship s.s. savoie
arrived jan 10 1904 from le havre left jan 2nd start line 8 through line 12
line 8 angelo nicolazzi going to nyc was here before in kansas city 1894 to 1903
brother pietro line 9 going to nyc here from 1894 to 1903
line 10 vincenzo sacco going to nyc
line 11 giuseppe pastore going to nyc here from 1892 to 1897 kansas city
line 12 luigi ferrari goig to nyc

Ada was there was a filippo gallo?

Vincenzo Gallo s.s. alesia jan. 9 1899 left naples on (doesn't say) line 2
has town listed as Bogano or Bagrano final destination says Philadelphia passage paid by his brother he is going to his cousin and it says Ferdinando
line 3 is from same place name is Salvatore Frassetti 10yr old child going to Phil. to his brother Ferdinando

Ambrogio Gugliemetti arrived june 25 1910 from le havre on jun 18th line 27 going to centerville iowa to his brother in law giuseppe Sacco. His wife teresa is still in bogogno he's a blacksmith
line 24 is pietro sacco going to centerville also leaving his wife maria in bogogno he's going to his brothers gennaro and giovanni in centerville diamond appoarose?? iowa

Elisa guglielmetti arrived may 10th 1908 cherbourg france line 6 going to her husband enrico guglielmetti in centerville iowa. came on the s.s. new york it says elisa on line 6 and franceschina line 5 are cousins
Elisa leaves her father Carlo Sano? Elisa also has numbers by her name 11-2066/33-1/9/389?? what does that mean
line 5 Franceschina Marchini (Bertola) going to her husband alessandro marchini centerville leaves her father Angelo Bertola
line 7 can't read the childs name but he belongs to Elisa going to his dad enrico guglielmetti centerville leaving grandfather
Carlo Sano?
line 8 Giuseppe Marchini is brother in law of Elisa?? going to his brother alessandro marchini centerville leaves his
father Giuseppe Marchini

Giuseppe guglielmetti arrived apr 2 1913 from le havre april 19th line 20 going to centerville iowa (diamond) going to his
cousin Foriano Guglielmetti. s.s. rochambeau. leaves his father Vincenzo in bogogno

Rosa guglielmetti arrived may 22 1914 from le havre may 16th line 22 going to brother Giuseppe guglielmetti in diamond centerville
iowa. s.s. France leaves her father giovanni guglielmetti in bogogno has a w after her name so maybe a widow?

Ada for mascagni do you have some possible birth years, years of travel and possible occupations

Giuseppe Nobili(e) arrived jan 25th 1921 from genoa jan. 10th line 10 going to his mother Luigia in Jerome Iowa states that he
was born in Kansas. states he left his uncle giovanni sacco in bogogno. states that giuseppe was a mason
ship s.s. duca degli abruzzi

Sacco, Angelo Bogogne, Novara age-39 birth year-1882 arrived-1921
Sacco, Angelo Bogogno, Italy age-32 birth year-1882 arrived-1914
Sacco, Anselmo Bogagna, Italy age-3 birth year-1906 arrived-1909
Sacco, Anselmo Bogagna, Italy age -3 birth year-1906 arrived-1909
Sacco, Attilio Bogogno, Italy age-13 birth year-1901 arrived-1914
Sacco, Carlo Bogogno, Italy age-34 birth year-1888 arrived-1922
Sacco, Ermenegilda Bogogno age-4 birth year-1911 arrived-1915
Sacco, Federico Bogogno, age-11 birth year-1903 arrived-1914
Sacco, Federico Bogogno, age-28 birth year-1885 arrived-1913
Sacco, Federico Bogogno age-36 birth year-1885 arrived-1921
Sacco, Giovanni Bogogno, age-23 birth year-1886 arrived-1909
Sacco, Giovanni Bogogno, age-15 birth year-1898 arrived-1913
Sacco, Gius. Bogogno age-40 birth year-1853 arrived-1893
Sacco, Giuseppi Bogagno,Italy age-35 birth year-1879 arrived-1914
Sacco, Luigi Bogogno, Italy age-23 birth year-1886 arrived-1909
Sacco, Luigi Bogogno, Italy age-27 birth year-1886 arrived-1913
Sacco, Luigi Bogogno, Italy age-39 birth year-1883 arrived-1922
Sacco, Mariana Bogagna, Italy age-30 birth year-1879 arrived-1909
Sacco, Pasquale Livio Bogogno age-23 birth year-1898 arrived-1921
Sacco, Pierino Bogogno, Italy age-1 birth year-1914 arrived-1915
Sacco, Pietro Bogogno, Italy age-26 birth year-1884 arrived-1910
Sacco, Rocco Bogagna, Italy age-7 birth year-1902 arrived-1909
Sacco, Rocco Bogogno age-23 birth year-1870 arrived-1893
Sacco, Rocco Bogogno, age-26 birth year-1887 arrived-1913
Sacco, Rosa Bogogna, age-22 birth year-1888 arrived-1910
Sacco, Rosalia Bogogno, Italy age-35 birth year-1887 arrived-1922
Sacco, Valente Bogagna, Italy age-5 birth year-1904 arrived-1909
Sacco, Vincenzo Bozagno age-32 birth year-1872 arrived-1904

rocco tosone arrived april 28 1913 from le havre line 8 going to cousin antonio marchini mystic iowa leaving wife angela in bogogno. see my first posting notes he is covered there.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 11:21 am    Post subject: Re: My relatives in US Reply with quote

BillieDeKid wrote:
Elisa guglielmetti arrived may 10th 1908 cherbourg france line 6 going to her husband enrico guglielmetti in centerville iowa. came on the s.s. new york it says elisa on line 6 and franceschina line 5 are cousins
Elisa leaves her father Carlo Sano? Elisa also has numbers by her name 11-2066/33-1/9/389?? what does that mean?

Hi, Elizabeth!!

The numbers are naturalization markings. I'm seeing 11-206633-1/9/39.

11: Indicates the district where naturalization application was filed. In this case, the Chicago office which at the time covered Northern Illinois, Eastern Iowa, Northwest Indiana, and Southeast Wisconsin

206633: The application number

1/9/39: The date of verification.

See link below for more details.


"There are only two lasting bequests we can give our children - one is roots, and the other, wings." -- Hodding S. Carter

"You live as long as you are remembered." -- Russian proverb
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 12:20 pm    Post subject: Re: My relatives in US Reply with quote


Do you have these census records?

1930 Illinois
Two Nicolazzi families. Frank (born Missouri) could be Giovanni and Panacea's son, Francesco's grandson. And Louis possibly Luigi Francesco. Both families living in the same township in 1930 as Federico Sacco.

1920 Iowa
1920 Iowa census for John and Panacea with children Frank and Americo.


"There are only two lasting bequests we can give our children - one is roots, and the other, wings." -- Hodding S. Carter

"You live as long as you are remembered." -- Russian proverb
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 1:09 pm    Post subject: Re: My relatives in US Reply with quote

Article from:Highland Park News (IL) Article date:April 8, 2004:

Dora Books (nee Nicolazzi), 88 of Highland Park died March 30 in Highland Park Hospital. Born Dec. 10, 1915 in Centerville, Iowa, she has been a resident of Highland Park for 45 years.
Survivors include a son, Richard (Marianne) Books of Scottsdale, Arizona; two daughters, Pamela (Alex) Rivi of Highland Park and Suzanne Henley of Lake Bluff; eight grandchildren; 18 great grandchildren; two sisters, Dorothy Spradlin and Edna Van Duesen, both of Highwood.

She was preceded in death by her parents Louis and Mary Nicolazzi and two sisters, Anita Roach and Lena Drew.


"There are only two lasting bequests we can give our children - one is roots, and the other, wings." -- Hodding S. Carter

"You live as long as you are remembered." -- Russian proverb
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2010 2:37 pm    Post subject: Re: My relatives in US Reply with quote

Giuseppe Guglielmetti and family information:

1905 Kansas census
Name: Jos Guglielmetti
Census Date: 1 Mar 1905
Residence County: Osage
Residence State: Kansas
Locality: Osage City
Birth Location: Italy
Family Number: 4
Gender: Male
Estimated birth year: abt 1868
Household Member(s): Name Age
Jos Guglielmetti 37
Maggie Guglielmetti 26
Agnes Guglielmetti 9
John Guglielmetti 6
Joe Guglielmetti 4
Ardilena Guglielmetti 2
Charles Mino, 20

WWI Draft registration card for Giuseppe Guglielmetti's son John:
Name: John Ellis Guglielmetti
County: Appanoose
State: Iowa
Birth Date: 26 Apr 1899
Person who will know your address: Wife Jean

1920 Iowa census for John and Jean Guglielmetti
Name: John Gugliemette
Home in 1920: Cincinnati, Appanoose, Iowa
Age: 20
Estimated birth year: abt 1900
Birthplace: Kansas
Relation to Head of House: Self (Head)
Spouse's name: Joan
Father's Birth Place: Italy
Mother's Birth Place: Switzerland
Marital Status: Married
Household Members: Name Age
John Gugliemette 20
Joan Gugliemette 19
Junior Gugliemette 0

1930 census for John and Jean Harris Guglielmetti
Name: John Guglielmetti
Home in 1930: Rockford, Winnebago, Illinois
View Map
Age: 30
Estimated birth year: abt 1900
Birthplace: Kansas
Relation to Head of House: Head
Spouse's name: Jean
Household Members: Name Age
John Guglielmetti 30
Jean Guglielmetti 29
Junior Guglielmetti 10
Jerry Guglielmetti 6
Floyd Harris, brother in law, 20

Giuseppe's other son Joseph and family 1930 Illinois census
Name: Joe Guglielmetti
Home in 1930: Rockford, Winnebago, Illinois
View Map
Age: 28
Estimated birth year: abt 1902
Birthplace: Kansas
Relation to Head of House: Head
Spouse's name: Maurietta
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members: Name Age
Joe Guglielmetti 28
Maurietta Guglielmetti 31
Jacqueline Guglielmetti 2

Note following families living at same address, especially Charles Mino who also appeared on the 1905 Kansas census above. I'm trying to sort out the relationship.

It appears that Giuseppe passed away and Maggie married Charles Mino based on the following 1920 census.
Name: Joe C Guglielmetti
Home in 1920: Pleasant, Appanoose, Iowa
Age: 18
Estimated birth year: abt 1902
Birthplace: Kansas
Relation to Head of House: Step Son
Father's Birth Place: Italy
Mother's Name: Margarette
Mother's Birth Place: Switzerland
Marital Status: Single
Household Members: Name Age
Charles J Mino 44
Margarette Mino 41
Angelena Mino 5
Joe C Guglielmetti 18
Adelena M Guglielmetti 17

Looks like Giuseppe didn't pass away but he and Maggie divorced.
1910 census for Maggie Conus and family
Name: Maggie Conus
Age in 1910: 31
Estimated birth year: abt 1879
Birthplace: Switzerland
Relation to Head of House: Head
Father's Birth Place: Switzerland
Mother's Birth Place: Switzerland
Home in 1910: Pleasant, Appanoose, Iowa
Marital Status: Divorced
Race: White
Gender: Female
Year of Immigration: 1890
Household Members: Name Age
Maggie Conus 31
Charles Mino 34
Agnes Conus 14
John Conus 11
Joe Conus 9
Della Conus 7

1925 Iowa census for Charles Mino and wife Maggie and family.
Charles J Mino 50, father Aleander (Alessandro) and mother Angela Bruno
Margret F Mino 47, mother Alice Conus
Angelina Mino 11
Kenneth Blodget, grandson 1, Maggie's daughter Della and Victor Blodget's son
Page 1
Page 2--gives parent details

Giuseppe Guglielmetti 1925 Iowa census
Page 1
Page 2
Name: Joe Guglemetto
Birth Year: abt 1867
Birth Place: Italy
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Widowed?
Census Date: 1 Jan 1925
Residence County: Appanoose
Locality: Walnut
Relation to Head: Head
Mother: Prendina Angelino
Father: John Guglemetto


"There are only two lasting bequests we can give our children - one is roots, and the other, wings." -- Hodding S. Carter

"You live as long as you are remembered." -- Russian proverb

Last edited by Biff83 on Sat Apr 17, 2010 4:58 pm; edited 3 times in total
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