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Nico121 Translations...
For help with translating documents or writing letters.
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Carole Admin

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 1662 Location: Valtellina - Near Lake Como
Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 11:33 am Post subject: Nico121 Translations... |
To save Nico the hassle of the upload for the first time, here are the first two pieces that need translating.
Hope my doing this is OK Nico...it will give you time to fathom out the Image shack uploading procedure - which is really, really easy... If you go to "PC Info and Guides" the first 'Sticky' there is a great tutorial written by Nuccia on how to use Image Shack. That will set you on the way for sure.
But in the meantime here are the first ones done for you.

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Luca Translator

Joined: Jan 22, 2008 Posts: 695 Location: Terni - Italy
Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 3:57 pm Post subject: Re: Nico121 Translations... |
I'll give a look tomorrow (if someone can't do it today, of course  )
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Carole Admin

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 1662 Location: Valtellina - Near Lake Como
Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 2:50 am Post subject: Re: Nico121 Translations... |
Luca wrote: |
I'll give a look tomorrow (if someone can't do it today, of course )
Luca |
I started to tackle it last night Luca, but it was no surprise that there were one or two words that due to the 'spidery' writing I could not decipher,  and of course the partially missing last line may have contained something more...

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liviomoreno V.I.P.

Joined: Sep 08, 2007 Posts: 1140 Location: Rome (Italy)
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Luca Translator

Joined: Jan 22, 2008 Posts: 695 Location: Terni - Italy
Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 10:06 am Post subject: Re: Nico121 Translations... |
dealing with a pair of shoes
... fare un paio di scarpe che quando andai a fare le richieste me le feci improntare [credo volesse intendere: prestare] dalla [da mia?] sorella Raffaela, che a me fa vergogna di andare in giro senza scarpe, ma più di tutto prego a te Alfonso, fratello mio, che tu sai com'erano vecchi i miei stivaletti; cari fratelli non vi sgomentate [spaventate ????] che avete fatto molto per noi, avete ragione, ma è la propria [la nostra] poverta che ce lo fa fare, perché se nostra madre poteva...
dealing about lands and houses to be sold.
I germani [fratelli] Procaccini di Ant(onio)
devono fare procura al
Sig. Roberto Antonio fu Pietro
Lo incaricano di accettare in
loro vece e parte la vendi-
ta con riserva di usufrutto
che devesi in Italia stipu-
lare dai loro genitori:
Procaccini Antonio fu Dav.[Davide???]
e Senerchia Rosaria fu Donato.
Costoro vendono i seguenti
beni posti a Panni [è un paese?]
1° Antonio Procaccini a) terreno
a Felitti e Malandrino di
circa are [unità di misura] 31
b) terreno al Tratturo,
o Acquasalsa all'avella della
estensione di 62 [are]
c) una casa alla strada Cac-
chiotti n. 25
2° Senerchia Rosaria un
sottano[!!!] alla strada di so-
pra n. 50
Essi vendotori si riservano
l'usufrutto e l'abitazio-
ne dei detti beni, posti a
Panni, vita loro durante [per tutta la loro vita]
Il mandatario ed incarica-
to Roberto pagherà
il prezzo dei detti beni
accettando il tutto.
N(ota) B(ene): se si mette [se si stabilisce] come
prezzo di tutto L(ire) 1.200 la
spesa dell'Istrumento [del rogito],
registro [bollo di registro] e trascrizione
è di circa L(ire) 100 [ah, care vecchie lire ]
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Carole Admin

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 1662 Location: Valtellina - Near Lake Como
Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 4:21 pm Post subject: Re: Nico121 Translations... |
HI Nico...
Wel here are the first documents for you. I hope they are OK.
The first seems to be just a part of a letter. The other two are self explanatory when you read them...
Thank you Luca for the transcription - the two words I had trouble reading were improntare and vergogna.
...make a pair of shoes because when I went to make the requests I had to borrow them [the shoes] from my sister Raffaela, because I am ashamed to go around without shoes, but more than anything I beg you Alfonso, my brother, that you know what my old boots were like; dear brothers, don't be dismayed because you have done much for us, you are right, but it is our poverty that makes us do it, because if our mother could....
The brothers Procaccini di Ant(onio) must give the power of attorney to
Mr. Roberto Antonio of the late Pietro. They charge him to accept in their names and on their behalf the sale with rights to enjoy the benefits in Italy that are stipulated by their parents:
Procaccini Antonio of the late Dav.[Davide???] and Senerchia Rosaria of the late Donato.
These people will sell the following property situated in Panni (Foggia?)
1° Antonio Procaccini
a) land at Felitti and Malandrino of about 31 are (acres?)
b) Land at Tratturo, or Acquasalsa all'avella to the extent of
62 (are/acres?)
c) A house on Cacchiotti street at n. 25
2° Senerchia Rosaria a house lower on the above road at n. 50.
They as the sellers reserve the right to enjoy the benefits of the houses of
the above properties, situated in Panni, for as long as they shall live
The mandate holder and agent Roberto will pay the price of the said properties agreeing to them all.
N(ota) B(ene): if it is established and a price is put for all of £(ire)1,200 the cost of the notarial Deed, registration fee and transcription is about £(ire) 100.
Comment from Luca: Oh dear old Lire....
Comment from me: I heartily agree!

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Last edited by Carole on Mon May 05, 2008 3:35 am; edited 2 times in total |
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liviomoreno V.I.P.

Joined: Sep 08, 2007 Posts: 1140 Location: Rome (Italy)
Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 1:43 am Post subject: Re: Nico121 Translations... |
Carole wrote: |
...make a pair of shoes so when you go to ask you will get me a loan from (or 'impress') my sister Raffaela, that it makes me ashamed to go around without shoes, but more than anything I beg you Alfonso, my brother, that you know what my old boots were like; dear brothers don't be dismayed that you have done much for us, you are right, but it is our poverty that makes us do it, because if our mother could....
Carole, don't get offended, but this time I need to make a correction...
...make a pair of shoes because when I went to make the requests I had to borrow them [the shoes] from my sister Raffaela, because I am ashamed to go around without shoes, but more than anything I beg you Alfonso, my brother, that you know what my old boots were like; dear brothers, don't be dismayed because you have done much for us, you are right, but it is our poverty that makes us do it, because if our mother could....

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Carole Admin

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 1662 Location: Valtellina - Near Lake Como
Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 3:30 am Post subject: Re: Nico121 Translations... |
No problem Livio - and thank you for that.... I must admit that the 'shoes' sentence did confuse me.
I have now incorporated your correction in the text for ease of copying for Nico.
Once again thanks! 

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Carole Admin

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 1662 Location: Valtellina - Near Lake Como
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Carole Admin

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 1662 Location: Valtellina - Near Lake Como
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liviomoreno V.I.P.

Joined: Sep 08, 2007 Posts: 1140 Location: Rome (Italy)
Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 3:50 am Post subject: Re: Nico121 Translations... |
This is an "Estratto dal registro di Nascita" ie it is a copy of the birth record Nr 43 contained in the 1874 Register Book of births of the town Cantalupo del Sannio, related to Maria Bambina GAGLIA. The copy was released in 1922, april 4.
The birth registration was done on April 2, 1874.
Maria Bambina was born on March 31, 1874, daughter of Pietrangelo Gaglia (son of the late Arcangelo), aged 35, shoe maker, born and living in the same town, and of Scolastica Manfredi (daughter of the late Rafaele) aged 32, farmer, born in the same comune, wife of Pietrangelo.
Maria Bambina was born in her parents house.
_________________ Livio
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