This blog has kindly listed all the contact numbers and links for ANYTHING to do with the earthquake. It is in English and takes a bit of time to get through it all.
Though the most pressing needs at the moment are clearly for food, clothing and cover. Many people are opening up thieir homes to the elderly and to families with children.
The devastation in some towns is really dreadful, bit so many houses, apart from cracks, are at least still standing and so the loss of life is far less than it could have been.
I'll leave you with the Help List...
>LInks - Numbers for Earthquake Help<
If you wish to make monetary donations I wouls avoid the huge charities - they raise for so many different things, but the small 'local' ones can use the donations made to their area bank far more quickly. This is one such appeal:
The Arch in constant liaison with the leaders of the Abruzzo region, is following closely the developments of the situation after the terrible earthquake in Abruzzo who has already caused several hundred deaths. At the current run a fundraiser, which will be used for initiatives that the association will field.
To this end, Arci opened on Banca Etica a special bank account.
The data of the bank account are:
Iban - IT 32 K 05018 03200 000000128000..
Made out to: Associazione Arci - Emergency Earthquake of Abruzzo Via Pietralata, n.16 00157 Roma
This is what ARCI is: They have clubs in over 5000 towns and so are really local!