Hello everyone and thanks for the warm welcome on the posts! I am researching my father's family from Mesoraca in Calabria. Their name was De Sole, but the "De"" was dropped when my grandfather was naturalized. I recently found out that my grandfather was born in Santa Severina, not far from Mesoraca (where he was married). On my mother's side--her father. Vincenzo Supo, was from Formicola in the Campania province of Caserta. His wife, Filommena Iorio,was from Capua in Caserta. So! That's the family history so far. . . .
I live in northeast Ohio and have been teaching for 18 years--British Lit., research writing, and drama (high school seniors--mamma mia!). I love mucking about in my garden (no veg, just flowers, shrubs, trees and a healthy dose of herbs), spending quality time with Alex (otherwise known as Signor Bubby, the ferocious cat). I love reading books (hence sitting is another favorite hobby) and have become addicted to Donna Leon's murder mysteries set in Venice. Wonderfully written with a real flavor of Italian life. Just finished the "Odd Thomas" series by Koontz. Heck, I'll read just about anything. I have been known to pull out the car manual in desperation. I have a little cottage that always needs some work--this summer it's scraping and painting! I look forward to getting to know everyone here. And thank you so much Carole for pointing me in this direction!