I was given a graphics tablet as a present a while ago and I'm just about tearing my hair out trying to get it to work. Being computer illiterate I've no idea what all the symbols are along the top or what the numbers without illustrations next to them refer to down each side . Numbers go from 1-29.
My daughter installed it for me and I have connected it to my usb port and the blue light flashes as it says it should but when I put the pen to the screen nothing happens I've even changed the battery and the nib point and that has made no difference.the model is a Medion usb graphics tablet. and I've been on their web site but couldnt find any explantion I could understand. There's very little written instructions given with the tablet.
Now if it had been the other type of TABLET they had given me I would have managed that no bother because all I would have had to do then was put it in my mouth but this one it seems I've to use my brain??? this is why I'd be really grateful if someone could explain how to work this in simple terms.
Thank you for reading this even if you cant help
but a big XX if you can.
A very frustrated Emmy