I’m sure that many of us just cannot conceive the hardships our ancestral families suffered. Those accounts of the immigrants ‘lot’ in a new country where they had to learn a new language very quickly, must have been so frightening…. And even more so when, as we now know, many of the couldn’t read or write!
It must have been a hard life too for those who didn’t have the means OR the opportunity to escape to a
promised land somewhere.
My maternal forebears – it seems – didn’t fare too badly – being involved within a military life. At least that ensured that there were the so called ‘three square meals’ a day for great granddad, his wife
and his three children – all of whom travelled with him on his postings!
Now my paternal forebears were a totally different kettle of fish. Granddaddy clearly knew what he liked and my poor Grandmother produced no fewer that
17 children for him…thirteen of whom survived. He was a bricklayer by trade – and she (poor soul) was probably a constantly exhausted housewife!
But just a couple of weeks ago, when looking into the background of this side of my family, I came across a quite chilling revelation in the English Census of 1901 –
at least two of my uncles, 10 and 13 years old (one of which was always my favourite) had been
>Census page< in what was a
huge school (entries 23 & 24) for what I presume may have been for people who were in the ‘workhouse’. Now I don’t know if that IS the case, but I haven’t yet found any record of where their parents and the other children were in that census.
No – the kids of today have no conception of what sacrifices have been made over the centuries so they can lead the life they do today! But try telling many of them about it and what do you get? You get all the “So what”, “I don’t care!”, “It’s not MY fault!” backchat , lack of respect and foul mouthed replies, as some of you here have pointed out, even from children as young as TEN! Can any of us imagine the reaction
we would have invoked if we had spoken to our elders in such a manner? I’m sure we can. So what has gone wrong? Why are parenting skills no longer taught by parents or learned by their children?
I’ll tell you why…. Because we have ALL, over the years, wanted the best for our kids and so have spoiled them ROTTEN. And now? Well the worm has turned and
THEY are in charge of US! Unless we put a stop to it now and MAKE them understand that “life ain’t a bowl of cherries – no way, no how!”
OK - OK - don't shout, I'm getting off....