Scottish Shortbread (sorry the measurments are not metric)
10 oz plain flour
4oz castor sugar
2oz rice flour
8oz butter
Put all ingredients into a food processor and mix well until the mixture begins to look like a thick paste
Remove from food processor and
Press firmly into a lined or greased swiss roll tin. level out the mixture in the tin using a rolling pin(I use one from a childs baking set) Prick all over with a fork.
Cook for approx 45/50 minutes 160c
Mark into slices/fingers while still warm (may require to prick with fork again) Sprinkle with castor sugar
When cool have a piece of shortbread with a wee dram of whiskey
If you dont want to use a swiss roll tin the mixture can be divided into two and pressed and rolled into 2 sausage shapes place these on parchment on a baking sheet leaving space between each 'sausage shape' as these will spread out a little.
cook as before When cooked cut into slices when hot(about 1inch thick) then sprinkle with castor sugar these make nice dainty wee rounds of shortbread.
You can also buy mould to press the mixture into -

I've tried this but I've yet to manage to get the cooked shortbread out of them
ps not too much whiskey or you will lose the taste of the shortbread